25 October 2021
After 1.5 years of preparation, we made it happen. A pilot of a new innovative crowdsensing system took place in Park Guell. During 5 days a brand new GDPR-proof RFID system was evaluated. This system tracks a specially-designed RFID sticker that can be glued on any surface. In this case, a key cord was provided to visitors of Parc Guell. Visitors get ownership of their own data, as they need to pro-actively accept the keycord, and more importantly, are able to get rid of the keycord if they do not want to be tracked anymore. Yet, the pilot revealed that most visitors would gladly help us out collecting data about their movements as long as we did not know who they were.
Together, IMI – Ajuntament de Barcelona , Polytechnic University of Catelonia (UPC), International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering (CIMNE), arranged and managed the pilot. With help of the security officials of Parc Guell, the keycords were distributed to the visitors and collected at the end of their stay in the park. The pilot seems to have been a success. Now the data is in, the analysis starts. We keep you posted on the progress of the analysis.