The CityFlows project has commenced. A face-to-face meeting of all project partners was realized to discuss some organisational issues and to start the knowledge exchange between the partners. During this first meeting the municipality of Amsterdam and Delft University of Technology showcased their latest developments regarding IT-based crowd monitoring.
Getting the CityFlows project started
The CityFlow partners are exited to start working on the project. Yet, upto this moment the partners have only briefly met at the Matchmaking event, as such introductions are in order. Moreover, it is time to fill in the details of the living labs. Much has happend over the last few months, so the emphasis of the organisational part of this meeting was to get all partners at the same level of information. Dorine Duives provides an overview of the whole project. Tom Kuipers elaborates on our communication strategy. Amongst other things, he introduced our new website and logo.

Forecasting crowd dynamics
At Delft University of Technology researchers are working on the future of crowd monitoring systems. One of these developments is the design, implementation and evaluation of forecasting techniques, in particular, for crowd dynamics. Martijn Sparnaaij and Paula Godoy, one PhD and one MSc student of the department of Transport & Planning, introduced the CityFlow partners to the state-of-the-art regarding the forecasting of crowd movements. We hope to see more of their work in the months to come.
Crowd monitoring in Amsterdam
The municipality of Amsterdam, the Amsterdam Inst and Delft University of Technology have jointly developed a state-of-the-art crowd monitoring solution for the city of Amsterdam. Much has already been written about this particular system, which is coined the Crowd Monitoring System Amsterdam (CMSA). Eelco Thiellier and Jorn van Dijk presented a brief overview of the development of the system and its current functionality. They also elaborated upon some of the issues they have been facing along the way. We, for instance, learned that the protection of the right-to-privacy is always an important issue to tackle when working with a crowd monitoring system inside a city centre. Besides
After their very interesting presentation it was time to see the system in action at the Red Light District. Jorn van Dijk showed the CityFlow partners the installations within this neighbourhood and provided more information with respect to the crowd management of the area. Meanwhile, the CityFlow partners had the opportunity to ask Eelco, Jorn and Martijn a lot of questions regarding the work they presented earlier on the day.
CityFlows partners meet at the Marine terrein in Amsterdam